Elementary (Pre-K-5) Faith Formation

For the 2024-2025 school year, ELEMENTARY CCE CLASSES WILL BE HELD:

Pre-K, Kinder, & First Grade: Sundays from 9:45am-11:00am in the Fellowship Center.

Second Grade - Fifth Grade: Mondays from 6:30pm - 8:00PM in the East Hall/Cafeteria

2024-2025 Faith Formation Procedures

Faith Formation begins on Sunday, September 15 from 9:45am - 11:00am for Pre-K, Kinder, and First Grade Students. Second Grade - Fifth Grade students meet on Monday nights from 6:30pm - 8:00pm starting on September 16.

Arrival Pre-K - 1:  Children are dropped off at the fellowship center starting at 9:35am. Class begins at 9:45am.

Dismissal Pre-k - 1: Children are picked up in the fellowship center at 11:00AM.

Arrival 2 - 5: Students are dropped off at the East Hall/Cafeteria doors under the school awning starting at 6:20pm. Class begins at 6:30pm

Dismissal 2-5: Parents form a car line along brinkman and students are picked up in the same place they were dropped off. Pick-Up is at 8pm.

Attendance: Regular attendance in Faith Formation sessions is an important factor in helping your child deepen his/her understanding of Church teachings, scriptures, prayer and the importance of community. Attendance will be taken weekly and will be reviewed monthly, especially for those students enrolled in the Sacramental Preparation program.

Deacon John Murrell

Director of Religious Education johnm@stroselima.org

Joseph Reina

Director of Liturgy/ Administrative Assistant jreina@stroselima.org