Alpha Youth

Alpha is a series of interactive sessions exploring the Christian faith. Alpha runs all around the world in cafés, churches, universities, homes, homes—you name it. No two Alphas look the same, but they have three key things in common: food, a talk, and good conversation.


Offering a meal or snack is an essential part of Alpha; eating food together is great for building community. Most sessions start with food and a chance get to know each other.


After the meal, a short talk is given—either live or played as a video. The talks, which explore the big issues around faith, are designed to engage and inspire conversation.


Small groups provide the opportunity to share thoughts and ideas on the topic, and to build trust and friendship. The role of the host (leader) is to facilitate discussion, inviting guests to share openly and honestly, without any criticism or judgment.
  • An Alpha session lasts for 2 hours*. You come for a light meal, watch a short video, and share your thoughts on the talk with your small group who you will meet at the first session.

    During the discussion portion of the session, you can ask your small group any questions you want. Your session host will ensure the discussion ends on time.

    This summer we will serve HIGH SCHOOL YOUTH only.

  • Alpha begins on Thursday, June 8, 2023 at 6:30pm.

    We will meet weekly on Thursdays in the Fellowship Center.

  • Alpha is free! There will be a retreat in the middle of Alpha that will have a small cost per person.

  • Yes! Most people come to Alpha without knowing anybody else in the sessions. By the end of the course, most people become good friends. Alpha is a great way to meet new people!

  • No! You may remain silent if you wish.

  • Yes! Please register to let us know you will be attending.

  • At any point, if you think Alpha isn't for you, that's not a problem. There's no pressure! You are always welcome to return.

  • It doesn't matter if you missed the first week of Alpha - you can catch up. Anyone in high school is able to register until week.

Have question? Want more info? Let us know below! ⬇⬇⬇