Youth Formation Update
Session begin Sunday, October 1, 2023.
Registration is CLOSED.
To register for any programming from grades 6-12, please contact the Office of Youth Ministry at

We offer a two-year preparation for Confirmation including Faith Formation and Sacramental Catechesis for high school age youth. The process begins as Freshman (9th grade) and receive Confirmation at the end of their Sophomore year (10th Grade).

First-year candidates must be at least High School Freshman and attend Life Teen Sessions which counts as your teen’s first year of Confirmation. If youth is a Catholic School student, they are welcomed and encouraged to participate in Life Teen or may wait until their Sophomore year to begin their Confirmation Year. Please see FAQ below for more details.

Second-year candidates must satisfactorily complete a nine-month period of preparation, offered by the parish. Those who are preparing for Confirmation will be expected to attend retreats, mission experiences, days of prayer, to participate in service projects and in the life of the parish, and much more.

Our Candidates for Confirmation attend large-group teachings and small groups sessions Sunday nights, at least one 3-day Confirmation retreat, and take part in service opportunities in their church and community as a part of this preparation.

To be a part of this program you must:

  1. Be a registered member of St. Rose of Lima or provide a letter of your home parish to participate in St. Rose Confirmation Program. To register with the parish: please click here.

  2. Have completed a year of High School Formation (Life teen).

  3. be at least a Sophomore (10th Grader) in High school

  4. have already received the sacrament Baptism & first Communion

  5. Required Documents Copy of Baptism & First Communion certificate
     families must be registered parishioners with Holy Trinity Catholic Church in order to enroll in Confirmation Classes.

Upon completion of the 2-year program, candidates will be confirmed by a bishop on at a date assigned by the Archdiocese.

“In him you also, when you heard the word of truth, the gospel of your salvation, and believed in him, were sealed with the promised Holy Spirit.” -Ephesians 1:13


Confirmation Schedule:

Sessions begin September 17, 2023

5:00PM - 6:00PM • Holy Mass
6:00PM - 6:30PM • Dinner
6:30PM - 8:00PM • Confirmation Session

Catholic School Students
(10 th grade and above)

High School Catholic School students preparing to be Confirmed have two options:

  1. Participate in the standard two-year program above (Life Teen & Confirmation II). 

  2. Do a one-year program that begins their sophomore year (Confirmation II only). To enroll in our one year program, students must have completed their 9th grade education at a Catholic School. They will also need to complete a Confirmation Interview with the Director of Youth Ministry prior to receiving the Sacrament of Confirmation.

Confirmation Sponsor:

Each youth will need one sponsor present at the Confirmation Ceremony. Confirmation Sponsors must be over the age of 16, and a Confirmed Catholic who is active and in good standing with the church. 

Confirmation Sponsor forms are due by Friday, December 15th, 2023 for Confirmation II students.

Downloadable Confirmation Form coming soon!

Confirmation Saint:

Confirmation students will research the lives of the Saints and select a Confirmation Saint Name.  Saint Name Presentations will be held in class at the end of the Fall semester. For their saint presentation, teens will need to invest time in discovering a Saint who demonstrate qualities that they admire and would like to emulate in their own life. 

Downloadable Patron Saint Form coming soon!

Confirmation Retreat:

All Confirmation students are required to attend a 3-day high school retreat prior to receiving the Sacrament of Confirmation. Our annual High School weekend retreat will be held in Spring 2023 (this retreat is open to all high school Confirmation participants ONLY). An additional High School day retreat will be also be offered in the Fall this year; Date(s): TBA

As you prepare for the Sacrament

In your Confirmation journey, you have people that have walked with you, met people that have challenged you, and interacted with some that have inspired you. Most of all, you’ve had the opportunity to grow in a relationship with Jesus. As you continue to walk in your faith journey, we want to make sure that those who do and will continue to play an important role, know where your hearts stand.

  • What’s in a name? When you were born, your parents chose your name. They may have chosen your name in honor of a special person in their lives: a grandparent, aunt or uncle, or close friend. They may have chosen your name for the meaning behind it. Perhaps they chose your name because they felt a close connection to a holy man or woman of our faith- one of the saints. Maybe they just really liked your name! Most likely, it was a combination of many factors. (If you do not know why your parents chose the name they did for you, why not ask them about it?) Your name gives you an identity; it tells others who you are. Throughout our lives, we will identify ourselves with many names- the name of the mascot of our school, the name of the region of the country we live in, the title of the career we choose.

    However, there is a name above all names that, through our Baptism, we should strive to be known to the world by- and that name is Catholic Christian. At your Baptism, you were called by name, and christened to become a child of God. You entered into the Catholic community by name.

    Now it is your turn! As a part of your preparation to receive the Sacrament of Confirmation, you have the privilege and responsibility, just like your parents did when you were born, to choose a name.

    🔥 You may choose one (1) canonized saint of the Catholic Church
    🔥 Your Confirmation name should reflect your closer identification as a member of the Catholic Christian community.
    🔥 Your Confirmation name should be the name of a saint
    🔥 PRAY! Just as you should pray about any decision you have to make, ask the Holy Spirit to guide you as you choose a saint as your patron/patroness.

    You may submit this via email or at the Parish Office. The form is in English & Spanish. Please complete whichever language you are more comfortable in.


  • The day of your Confirmation, you will present with a very special person whom you have asked to help you in your faith journey for the rest of your life, your sponsor. Please be sure to complete the form below and answer all the questions asked.

    What are the requirements of the Church for being a Confirmation sponsor?

    🔥 You may choose one (1) sponsor only.
    🔥 A sponsor cannot be the parent of the person being confirmed.
    🔥 A sponsor must have received the Sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation and Holy Eucharist.
    🔥 A sponsor must be at least 16 years of age and may be male or female regardless of the sex of the candidate.
    🔥 A sponsor must be leading a life in harmony with the faith and the role to be undertaken; therefore, if married, must be married in the Church and if single, must be striving to live a chaste life and therefore cannot be living with a person outside of marriage.
    🔥 A sponsor must be a practicing Catholic, registered in a parish, who regularly attends Mass on Sundays and Holy Days and receives the Holy Eucharist.

    You may submit this via email or in person at the Parish Office. The form is in English & Spanish. Your sponsor may complete whichever language they are more comfortable in.

  • You have chosen one person to be your sponsor. A person to walk with you the rest of your life. Write to this person and let them know why you choose them and answer the following questions. This is a personal letter from you to your sponsor. Do not write it to any of your catechist of those who serve in the Church, write it to your sponsor. When you are done, please place it in an envelope and write their name and address in the front of the envelope and yours in the corner. Just like if you are going to mail to them. You do not need to put postage on it.

    Here are the questions to help you:

    🔥 Why did you choose this person to be your sponsor?
    🔥 What in their life inspires you?
    🔥 In what way does their life reflect that of Christ?
    🔥 As you continue to walk in your life journey, what do you wish to learn from this person?
    🔥 Where in your life do you need prayer and how can your sponsor pray for you?

    The letter must be at least 1 page long. You can either type it or hand write it.

  • When you are confirmed, Bishop will lay his hand on your forehead, blessing you with Chrism and says the words, “Be sealed with the gifts of the Holy Spirit.” You respond, “Amen.” He follows to shake your hand saying, “The Lord be with you,” and you respond, “And with your Spirit.” How amazing is that?! Those words of “YES!” I want to be Catholic for the rest of my life, I want to follow Christ no matter what, and being open to receive a love like no other.

    In this journey, Fr. Linh and Fr. John, are not only our pastors and spiritual father but, those who helps us be closer to Christ. They are here to guide us to heaven.

    Here are the questions to help you:

    🔥 Why do you wish to be confirmed?
    🔥 Why did you choose your Confirmation saint?
    🔥 What does confirmation mean

    The letter must be at least 1 page long. You can either type it or hand write it.